Our highly-trained inspectors will use cutting edge technology to provide you with a comprehensive, easy-to-read report. Our inspection reports will highlight Safety/Structural Issues, General Defects, and Maintenance Items so you can make an informed decision about the property.
The price for our home inspections will provide tremendous value by including:
What is a home inspection?
A home inspection is a limited, non-invasive examination of a home, often performed in connection with the sale of a home. The goal of the inspection is to identify safety concerns and defects that could be expensive to correct. Minor defects and cosmetic items are typically not the focus of a home inspection. Our well trained, certified, and experienced inspectors will be able to provide a detailed inspection report that outlines defects and safety concerns so the future homeowner can make an informed decision about the property they are going to purchase.
What do our home inspections include?
Our certified inspectors follow the standards and practices outlined by *the Georgia Association of Home Inspectors (GAHI). GAHI has the strictest standards in the inspection industry. These standards include, but are not limited to, inspection of the following components:
Inspection of “the grounds” will include grading and drainage, paved surfaces, vegetation, retaining walls, walkways and driveways as they relate to the house.An inspector is not likely to report on the trees at the back of a wooded lot that are separated from the house, but will comment on trees that could endanger the foundation or roof of the house.
The exterior inspection of the home includes the siding, trim, flashing, doors, and windows, as well as any attached stairs, decks, or porches.
Unlike some inspection companies, our inspectors perform a full and complete roof inspection, which may include walking the roof and performing a manual, physical inspection when it is safe to do so.If the roof cannot be safely accessed, our drone-certified inspectors will perform a visual inspection using a high tech drone. Our inspectors will identify the type of roof covering and report the condition at the time of the inspection. Chimneys, skylights, roof flashings, and penetrations in the roof for vents are inspected as well.
Our inspectors will inspect visible portions of the home’s structure which includes the foundation, floors, walls, ceilings, and roof.
Attached garages are also inspected to ensure garage door safety and normal operation.
Inspection of the plumbing system will include the interior water supply systems (including fixtures and faucets), interior draining, water heating systems, vent systems, sewage ejector pumps, sump pumps, and related piping.
Our inspectors will perform a visual inspection of the service drop, service equipment and main disconnects, the grounding of the electrical system, visible wiring, GFCI protected outlets, and accessible light switches and outlets throughout the house.
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)
Our home inspection will include a visual inspection of the heating and cooling equipment, ductwork, and flue vents. Our inspectors will report whether or not the HVAC equipment appeared to operate as intended at the time of the inspection. Fireplaces are also included in this portion of the inspection.
Ceilings, walls and floors will be inspected, along with interior doors and windows. Any safety concerns or defects with stairway railings will also be reported.
Insulation and Ventilation
The insulation will be inspected in unfinished areas such as attics or unfinished basements. Our inspectors will also check for proper ventilation in the attic and all exhaust systems (range vents, dryer vents, bath vents, etc.) will be inspected as well.
The above highlights the more significant areas of our standard inspection, however there are many additional inspection items included on our final inspection report.
In addition to our standard inspection, we offer optional inspections that cover swimming pools, septic tanks, water and well testing and environmental concerns such as mold and radon.
What makes At Ease Inspectors different from most home inspectors in Georgia?
At Ease Inspections has one of the most stringent training processes in the Unites States. Our inspectors undergo approximately 1,200 hours of training prior to performing their first inspection. Our inspectors have certifications that qualify them to perform everything from commercial to residential to new construction inspections. They also have certifications to perform radon, mold, drain line and drone inspections.
The State of Georgia does not currently have any sort of licensing for home inspectors. This means that anyone can claim to be a home inspector. Many buyers and real estate agents look for a “certified” home inspector but not all certifications are equal. Some certifications can be earned in a few days by taking an online test. These certifications that require minimal training often do not adequately prepare an individual to perform a thorough home inspection. Other organizations may require an inspector to perform hundreds of inspections and have their inspection reports reviewed by a board of inspectors before the individual can become a “certified inspector.” It is important to look at an inspector’s certifications, experience, and online reviews in order to protect oneself when buying a house.
To ensure we can inspect all areas of a home, the home must be ready for the inspection prior to our arrival. Some examples that can prevent or limit a complete inspection include:
- Belongings that the seller or occupant has stored in the house may limit what the inspector can see.
- Many attics and crawl spaces have areas that are inaccessible or cannot be safely accessed by an inspector.
All utilities must be turned on to the house. If gas, water, or electric is turned off then the inspector will not be able to fully inspect all systems within the house. Best practice is to have your real estate agent check with the seller to make sure all utilities are on and access is provided to all areas of the house.
Many inspectors lacking experience or stringent certifications will charge bottom dollar for their inspections – this is the only way they can compete in the market. Going with the cheapest inspector can put your family and financial investment at risk when you get stuck with major repair bills on items frequently missed by an inexperienced inspector. It is always worth a few hundred dollars to hire a true professional with a proven track record to perform your inspection.